Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New upgrade - 0.9.7 (inching towards 1.0)

A new upgrade went into production today. There are a lot of small features that got into this release (0.9.7). Some notable ones below -
  • Company card now displays more information about your clients. So essentially, Papilio acts like your client directory of information. This card is a popup that appears anywhere you have a link to the client.
  • A place to add a brief about each one of your clients [under admin > clients > edit]
  • A new filter under tasklists [under service overview > tasklists]
  • A facility to add multiple invoices to your service [under services > service overview > edit service]
  • Performance fixes to database
  • Minor bug fixes
"Service Id" in service -
We have added a new field called service id that shows up for all the services. Its a unique id that is given to each service automatically by the system. This is currently only visible when you send a message out using email. This has been added so as to help us parse the incoming messages. Please let us know if you want this id to be visible everywhere in the application.

1 comment:

  1. Yes; it is better to have everywhere, which will help manage services better, instead, when had in mail alone.
